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A big part of digital business world are the visual effects. Last week we got a brief on how to do videos and this week it is time to do one. Again, this is one of those things I’m not so comfortable with but it’s about time to get comfortable.

Our task is to make an elevator pitch about ourselves. This is just one small part of the big concept of branding ourselves. As Anna explained to us this week; “Your personal brand is a combination of your image and reputation”. For me the challenging part is the talking to a video. Making a good impression face to face or even being filmed during an interwiev is a whole lot easier than talking by yourself. So, here it is, my pitch, my first video ever. Ronja Salmi encouraged us to be brave and that's what I'm doing by publishing this. I hope to come back to this blog in a years’ time and be able to laugh a little as I realise how much progress I’ve made in doing videos.

One part of branding ourselves was making a SWOT-analyses. Even though I believe I have a good idea of my strengths and weaknesses, finding opportunities and threats was a whole a harder. Also being honest to yourself is not always as easy as it sounds. Therefore I showed it to my husband for some feedback. Luckily he agreed on most of the stuff, so we can still be married…

We also had the opportunity to visit Markkinoinnin viikot, a marketing exhibition, on Wednesday. It is obvious that digital services have a huge role in todays’ marketing. Highlight of the day for me was Samuli Tursas, CEO for a digital communication company Koodiviidakko or Liana Technologies, as they are called globally. Tursas pointed out that customers purchase behaviour and lifecycle have changed dramatically due to digitalisation. The combination of product, price and service is just not enough anymore. Since so much information is available online, the deciding factor in making a purchase decision is emotions. Marketing should be done based on that.

This is Samuli Tursas' descripton of how purchase path has changed; from straight forward purchase to lots of searching and many little steps.

Tursas also criticized the lack of resources most of the companies are willing to put on marketing. Since Finland is full of engineers why doesn’t every marketing department have their own? Why are the directors looking at old economy reports instead of up to date information Google analytics provides? He had several practical solutions to speed up companies revenues through good marketing and seemed eager to share his knowledge.

It was only appropriate that the arena Tursas held his speech was called “Suomi nousuun”, i.e. “Finland for the growth!” With more CEO’s like Tursas I have no doubt we will get Finlands' economy back on track again!


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