This week kicked off with Anna’s lectures about emotions in advertising. Since I like numbers, the statistics Anna showed us caught my eye straight away. Here it is, read and weep!
Picture from Roger Dooley's article
So emotional campaigns are almost twice as effective as rational ads. Are we really that easy to fool? We all know the purpose of advertising is to affect our feelings and emotions but we still fall for it. Why? Well, here are my two personal favourites:
Firstly, it's all about neuroscience. We can't help the way our brains works. Scientific studies have developed so much. Nowdays scientist know how our nervous system functions and how it is structured. I'm far from being a scientist or a biologist and will therefore not even think about going into details. However I think it's fascinating how our brain works and how it all is utilised in marketing. I have only reasently learned that there is a thing called neuromarketing. If you're interested go and check out Roger Dooley's website www.neurosciencemarketing.com There is loads of material on how brain science and marketing meet.
Overload of information
My second point is about the information available online. I think Samuli Tursas, CEO for Koodiviidakko, brought up a really good point in his speech at a Marketing exhibition we visited in September. According to Tursas there is so much information available online nowadays that the rational part of the purchasing decision is covered. Therefore the emotional-part, is the only thing left. To me this all makes a lot of sense. I might be cutting a few corners here but I think this is strongly connected to the emotional marketing being more effective.
This sounds way too familiar...
Now, feel free to disagree, this was just my way of rationalising all of this. That's due to and thanks to this course we've had. I like the fact how all the different lectures and speakers we've had are some how connected to each other. It's all starting to form a big picture and makes me think a little extra. I'm not sure where all this takes me but I'm enjoying the ride.
On Monday we also got to meet two Laurea students Mira Niemi and Camilla Fagerström, who are both graduating this December after 2,5 years. They told us their digital journey: from digital business course to digital coach, online studies, thesis, making a social media strategy for a company and landing a job. I think it's really important to see and hear how other students have managed to take things further after this course.
Mira Niemi and Camilla Fagerström telling us their story.
Rest of the week
I'm a big fan of "To do-lists". Now I'm at a point where the list is just depressing to watch. Instead of being able to plan ahead, I'm putting down fires and getting things done at the last minute. The fact that my husband was away on a business trip this week and I got to experience the life fo a single mum, didn't help. Well, weeks like this give perpective and do make me appreciate the fact that we take care of daughters equally. I know that is not the case in every family.
Our team worked hard on the Talousguru-project. It was a big assignment with lot of detailed work required. I think we've done a good job and it will be nice to present it on Monday. Thursday was great, we got to help Aida, who gave us a great speech a few weeks back. She needed video references from her session to her thesis. Anna, Anttoni, Ilkka and myself filmed a small chat for her. It was such a small effort and I'm happy we could help.
On Friday it was time for my break and I flew to Amsterdam where my husband was already waiting. The city was rainy and cold but still beautiful. I love the canals, small restaurants, endless shopping and design stores. My "Todo-list" got a little longer due to this trip but it was sooo worth it. Sometimes it's just better to relax a little and get some new energy.